Website Specifications

Website Specifications and FAQ’s

Below is technical information about the websites we create, the technologies used, and the steps taken to ensure the safety of your content. Click on a topic to read more.


We strongly urge our clients to have their own domain name registration account for their URL. Your URL is a business asset, and you should always own the account your URL is registered under. We will help you setup your DNS records to point to our servers for your website, and to optimize your DNS records to ensure your email has the highest deliverability rate as possible through SPF and DKIM entries.

Website Hosting

We host all the sites we design. This allows us to optimize your site for security, backups and delivery speed. We use a professional hosting company that in turn utilizes a very secure high speed data center. We can provide additional information on the data centers used if requested. 

Website Backups

Your site will be backed up three ways:

1.) Our hosting company maintains an updated “snapshot” of each website on site on high speed drives. In the event of a hardware failure, they can “hot swap” the snapshot into production, which can reduce downtime to a matter of minutes.

2.) The hosting company also maintains an offsite backup of their servers with a third party, which utilizes different data centers. This provides protection from data center failure or catastrophic hardware failures.

3.) AgencyEvolved maintains a redundant backup with a third party backup service which utilizes AWS (Amazon) Servers. This provides protection to our clients from a complete failure of our hosting company and/or their data center, allowing us to move clients’ websites to a different hosting service in a relatively short time.  


We use WordPress as our content management system. Over 35% of ALL sites on the internet are developed using WordPress. On top of WordPress, we utilize a theme/visual development tool that allow us to rapidly prototype new websites and make changes quickly.

Responsive Design

Over 50% of all web traffic is now on mobile devices and that percentage has been growing every year. Responsive design means that your website will automatically resize itself to present the best view of your site depending on the device it is being viewed on. This includes replace long menus with the “hamburger” (three lines) menu system used on the vast majority of mobile websites.

All our sites utilize responsive design, which means they look fantastic whether they are viewed on desktops, laptops, tablets or phones.

An additional reason to use a responsive design is that the Google is optimizing their search algorithms for mobile friendly designs. In fact, they are now delivering mobile first search results as a priority.

Content Creation

We create the content for your website based upon the needs of your agency. We don’t use boilerplate or template content. Every page is customized based upon the culture of your agency, your niche markets, and your target demographics. We will add new pages of content you provide at no charge, and if your agreement with us includes it, we will craft blog articles every month that are relevant to your target markets and loaded with key words that index well with search engines.

Website Updates | Changes

We strive to make any changes submitted to us within one business day, sometimes even sooner. If the change requires the creation of new pages, or the addition of new technology, we will respond as soon as possible with an estimate of how long it will take.

We do not outsource the design or maintenance of our websites, so there is no waiting for a sub-contractor to make changes. If a change is urgent, we will make it immediately.

There are no additional charges to changes to existing pages.

Lead Generation

We will create lead generation/contact forms for your site that are custom to your agency. We use a database driven system that stores responses in a database that are retrievable at any time (great for E&O pretection).

We can also embed logic into these forms so that requests are sent to proper person in your organization based on criteria you specify (ie only your commercial lines team gets requests interested in commercial insurance)


We can integrate your site with other services/technologies. In some cases these can even be “embedded” and appear a part of your site.

Examples include:

  • Online Scheduling apps
  • Carrier Rating/Quoting platforms
  • Customer Service Portals
  • Certificate Services
  • Videos
  • Others (just ask, we can probably do it)