Times have changed. They always do. The world around us is constantly evolving and since the introduction of technology, it is evolving faster than any other time in history.

Consumers today make faster decisions, and they back those decisions up by doing their research online.

In a recent consumer survey, 64% of those surveyed said the Internet was their first stop in doing research before a major purchase.

In another study, it was found that the time between deciding to make a major purchase and actually making that purchase is now only two days, and the ability to do research online is the number one reason.

You may be the best salesperson in the world, but if your potential client has already made their decision online before they ever even talk to you, you will never be able to give your sales pitch.

If you were new to your area and you were looking for a new insurance agent, how would your agency stack up in an online search? Try it sometime. You probably won’t like the answer.

Where does your agency appear in search results? What do your social media sites look like (if you have any)? Are they kept up to date? Do you have engaging, informative information there? Does your LinkedIn profile reflect the level of professionalism you want to project?

I can guarantee you the majority of technologically savvy consumers are doing these searches before they make a purchase, and soon, there will no longer be a non-technologically savvy consumer.

So, unless you are willing to let your business die out with your current customer base, it’s probably time your agency starts evolving into a modern marketing organization. AgencyEvolved can help you do that.

About AgencyEvolved

AgencyEvolved is an outsourced marketing firm, dedicated to insurance agents and brokers. Founded by two insurance industry veterans, our mission is to help insurance agencies evolve by creating long-term growth and value through strategic marketing.

Smart Marketing. Done Right. By People Who Know Insurance.