At AgencyEvolved, potential clients frequently ask us, “Does social media really work, and if so, why?”

It’s a tough question to answer to someone who isn’t involved in social media. People who use Facebook, or have gotten a job through LinkedIn just get it. They have witnessed the power of social media first hand. To someone who doesn’t use social media it can seem like voodoo, however.

Here’s some simple math (bear with us, it’s easy) to help illustrate the power of social media.

The latest study we found stated that the average Facebook user has 338 Friends. The median is 200. For the sake of being conservative, let’s use the 200 number. (median means half of the people on Facebook have less than 200 Friends and half have more than 200 Friends)

So, you have a Facebook page and you’ve been consistently posting insightful and interesting content. Your site now has over 300 people who have “Liked” your page, which means your posts are going to show up in their newsfeed.

You post an extremely timely and informative article to your page. Of your 300+ followers, 200 “share” you article on their timeline. Each of those people also have 200 friends and also share your posts
on their timelines.

Doesn’t sound like much? Let’s do the math:
1 article posted
200 original shares
x 200 (they each have 200 friends and share it)
= 40,000 people reached!  If those 40,000 also share your content?
x 200
= 8,000,000 people have now seen your content. 8 million!

Now, we know that’s not likely to happen. Even if 200 of your followers shared your content, chances are they share some friends in common, and not everyone is going to like or share your article.

But still, you can see how you can easily reach 10’s of thousands of people with just one single post.

That’s the power of social media. You won’t get there overnight, but if you’re diligent about posting relevant, timely and interesting information, you will gather “followers” who like your page, and they will share that content with their friends, and those friends are going to think of you the next time they need insurance (we specialize in working with independent insurance agencies).

Sound overwhelming? Too much work, not enough time?  Maybe it’s time to outsource your marketing. AgencyEvolved can help.

About AgencyEvolved

AgencyEvolved is an outsourced marketing firm, dedicated to insurance agents and brokers. Founded by two insurance industry veterans, our mission is to help insurance agencies evolve by creating long-term growth and value through strategic marketing.

Smart Marketing. Done Right. By People Who Know Insurance.